Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Message "Security Center is currently unavailable"

Q: When I run Windows Security Center I get this message:

The Security Center is currently unavailable because the "Security Center" service has not started or was stopped. Please close this window, restart the computer (or start the "Security Center" service), and then open the Security Center again.

A: To start the "Security Center" service, use these steps:
  • Click Start, Run and type Services.msc

  • Double-click "Security Center" service from the listing

  • Set the startup type of the service to "Automatic"

  • Start the service by clicking the "Start" button in that applet.


Anonymous said...

very helpful. it works. many thanks.

Anonymous said...

I tried this, but I received a message " ERROR 1075 the dependency service does not exist or has been marked for deletion" Any further suggestions?

Ramesh Srinivasan said...

For error 1075:

Type this in Start, Run:

cmd /k sc qc wscsvc

Post the output in your reply.

Anonymous said...

"Security Center" service from the listing isn't there... help?

Anonymous said...

Very useful - thank you very much. Why couldn't Microsoft help tell me this!

Ramesh Srinivasan said...

[] How to restore the missing "Security Center" service in Windows XP SP2?:

Anonymous said...

when i tried it says,
could not start the security center service on local computer.
Error 1083: The executable program that this service is configured to run in does not inplement the service.

Ramesh Srinivasan said...

"Error 1083" while attempting to start the Security Center service in Windows XP SP2:

Anonymous said...

I have the same problem as subject post: The security Service is currently unavailable because the Security Center service has not started or was stopped. I used the cmd /k sc qc wscsvc and the results follow:
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\>cmd /k sc qc wscsvc
[SC] GetServiceConfig SUCCESS

BINARY_PATH_NAME : C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs
TAG : 0
DISPLAY_NAME : Security Center
: winmgmt

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot. This was very useful.

Anonymous said...

thank u very much, it worked...again why couldn't the microsoft help tell me that

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank You!!
Big help, really appreciated!


Anonymous said...

I tried this, but I received a message "Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start." Could you help?

Ramesh Srinivasan said...

Hi anonymous,

Error 1068 can occur if the WMI service is not running. WSC depends on WMI service.

bcollingwood said...

What about error 5? My security centre seems to have been disabled and can't be turned on, none of the other fixes works. Thanks for any help.

Anonymous said...

Recently installed upgrade from XP home to XP pro - security centre no longer has entries in the dependancies tab (RPC and windows management instrumentation)

Service_name: wscsvc
type: 20 win32_share_process
start_type: 2 auto_start
error_control: 1 normal
Binary_Path_name: I:\windows\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs
tag: 0
display_name: security center
dependencies: RpcSs
: winmgmt
Service_start _name: LocalSystem

Anonymous said...

Good day/evening to you all. I also have this problem about the Security Center. I follow the steps outlined here and it works. But the moment i restart the computer i get the message again saying the security center is unavailable.

Anonymous said...

Good day/evening to you all. I also have this problem about the Security Center. I follow the steps outlined here and it works. But the moment i restart the computer i get the message again saying the security center is unavailable.

Anonymous said...

For error 1075 this is the o/p for cmd/k sc qc wscsvc: Can u plz help me out here..tried everything u've mentioned earlier.

[SC] GetServiceConfig SUCCESS

BINARY_PATH_NAME : C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs
TAG : 0
DISPLAY_NAME : Security Center
: winmgmt

C:\Documents and Settings\Shilpa Sathyanarayan>

Ramesh Srinivasan said...

Error 1075 occurs if the "Windows Management Instrumentation" or the RPC services are deleted or marked for deletion.

Anonymous said...

What was the fix for when you follow the steps outlined here, and it fixes the problem of the Security Center being unavailable, until you restart your computer, then it is again unavailable??? Then you have to do the steps again to have it available. I am having to do this every single time I restart the computer.

Anonymous said...

Thnks Buddy Ur solution really really helped me wid my problem,....thnks once again.....u rock man!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much! Problem fixed!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Fixed my security center :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks heaps for that, I can stop swearing at the screen now

Anonymous said...

Reading the comments on this blog, I see that some folks have the same problem I have. I'm just adding another 2 pc's that I have to this list.
I have this "Security Service is currently unavailable because the Security Center service has not started or was stopped."
When I do the suggested 'Start>Run>type services.msc> change disable to automatic, hit start, procedure mentioned, it works great.
But the problem comes back after every restart/pwr off-on.
Any help on this ??

Anonymous said...

Very helpful. Many thanks.

Anonymous said...

Thanks alot!
Very Helpful and clear.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

i tried this and it worked but when u restart your computern it goes back again

Anonymous said...

I also experience the problem of the Security Center being unavailable every time I restart my computer. The correction procedure described above works fine but I have to do this every time I start my computer.

Unknown said...

Very useful. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Many thanks for useful service, did the trick, Don't know why it stopped though.

Anonymous said...

Very useful information - I cleared a virus infection and security center would not restart automatically until I followed your advice.

Anonymous said...

ThX mAn ... It's Working